Apr 30, 2009


Freshman year in college, I painted a picture of Lauren that was so heinous looking, it became a joke and was therefore displayed on our wall every year after that. We would tell visitors that I had painted her 'portrait' (which I had - just failed miserably) and wait for their reaction. It looked like a bloated catfish, faulted only to my lack of skill of course, as Lauren does not resemble a catfish.

This was an an attempt from this past summer, and while significantly cuter, I'm not sure if it's any more "Lauren" than the famed catfish painting. Think it's creepy that I'll just make a portrait of someone without their knowledge? I probably have one of you.

SeXy LaDy

This lady impresses me. Usually my ladies don't come out this sexy - or sly. I think we can all agree this lady is both sexy and sly, a dangerous combination for a lady to have.

Today, I'm a lady with a job, for the first time in four months. So I guess I can say I feel pretty sexy/sly. But also not, because after listening to NPR for about thirty minutes, I'm almost certain I'm going to contract swine flu once I walk outside. Swine flu is the new SARS.

Apr 29, 2009

blue pencil ladies

These are some blue colored pencil ladies for your enjoyment.

Apr 28, 2009

(I Know it Doesn't)

bun bun.

Lately I really want a bunny. This is a picture of a bun-bun I drew - it's basically how I imagine my future bunny will look, and also what he/she will do. Although I can't decide whether I want a big fat bunny, with lots of stuff to squeeze, or a tiny little bun-bun, that fits in the palm of my hand. Or a gray or brown bun. But I do know that it will be eating carrots and smiling and hopping all day long. Absolutely none of this matters because I will not be getting a bunny. Not even if they do adoptions at the PetCo on 86th St. It's not like I checked. Whatever I don't even care.

Umm soo...this blog is going to be a purge zone for the vast load of lowbrow artsy crap I make. It will be even less relevant than my other blogs. No one will read it though, so it doesn't matter.

Good day to you.