Not one of my BFFs, so might be harder to guess, but I think this one has a good resemblance.
And later, the sheriff.
Completely exhausted from this weekend. I managed to click some buttons though, and bring this green lady to your screen, lady.
I wish this ho would tell me how to get my hairs as big as hers. Betch!
Another painting of someone you might know. I think this one is pretty dead on, to be honest...if you went to HWS, take a shot at it. Of course, she's never seen it.
Thanks for getting your votes in! It was a tie - according to you guys, dreams are equally made of whales, snails and puppy dog tails, as well as Spencer Pratt's flesh-colored beard. Stay tuned for more highly relevant poll-ery!
This lady looks like she might be perturbed, or tired. Or like maybe she served a bunch of people lunch at a restaurant in Midtown, went to H&M and then took a nap on her couch. Or not - that would be me.
This is also on my Flickr...but most of you don't know I have a Flickr. Because there's not a lot of interesting stuff on there. I sort of wish I didn't have a Flickr. The end.
Add fake lens flares to pictures.
This is a picture of a scary lady.
This is her boyfriend. They are basically in love, but I wouldn't want to hang out with them.
This is another totally stalker thing I made. When I'm pressed for ideas to draw, I'll go on Facebook and click through pictures of my friends. The final products usually look better, since I have a bit of an "outline" for reference, so I feel super talented, but also creepy, because it means I'm obsessing over their face without them even knowing. I just feel like, if you're going to study the size of someone's nostrils, they should probably be aware of the fact.
I find myself attracted to orange and green lately, colors I am not usually into. Thoughts? Throw out a guess for who this is?
Also, GRIDS and swine flu are neck and neck kids! Make sure you get your vote in for this extremely important poll!