Dec 29, 2009

a medley

Recently I bought a set of watercolor pencils, and a small pad of watercolor paper. This is what's in it so far.

Nov 6, 2009

these bitches are talkin bout me!

The first one is a dead ringer for Charlene Yi. And the second lady looks like shizz - it's really hard to get some of my drawings to translate into digital images.

It's really, really hard.

Oct 14, 2009

Sep 21, 2009

heidi montag?

I concede that this doesn't look that much like Heidi Montag. I was having a very hard time drawing her, but I was trying to capture her enormous square chin/jawline, weird nose and vapid, milk-fed dopeyness. While I may have succeeded in doing those things, I still don't think this looks much like our beloved Heidi.

Sep 9, 2009

u r so beautiful 2 me

A series of funny-looking ladies I drew on parchment paper.
If a crazed murderer said you had to either get a face transplant or be murdered, and your only choices were these particular lady faces, which one would you pick and why?

Aug 10, 2009

cape cod


These were made with some photos I took (of myself). I feel that they represent my intense desire to make out (with myself). I'm hoping that these works convey that this desire is a very normal one, shared by most people and isn't something that I should be worried about at all.

Jul 28, 2009

what happens when you doodle while watching tim & eric

Rolo Tony Brown Town
Check yourself out at the dooooorrrrrr
Give us all some Rolo's
You know you've got to give us some mooorrreee
of those Rolo's

Jul 13, 2009

Jul 8, 2009

dead stuff (kale)

I broke my camera this past weekend. Now I have a big depression.

Jun 18, 2009


They say you can tell a lot about a person by how they shake hands, but I think you can only tell one thing - how they feel about shaking hands with you.

Jun 8, 2009

stephanie pratt?

Drawing the cast of The Hills is a thing I have assigned myself to do. They are all just such...interesting people.

I also probably should have taken a better picture of this drawing, since I don't think it transferred very well to being computerized...Looks much better on paper, methinks.

Jun 5, 2009

i honestly don't love myself THAT much...

I'm just usually the only willing model. Seriously, send me some hot pix of yourself - I'd love to fiddle with someone else's face for a change.

Jun 4, 2009

a thing i made in college

Here is a thing I made in college. It's my friend Jenna. She is a 'follower' of this blog, but not a 'follower' in life, which is like, so great. However, I'm not sure if she is actually a 'reader' of this blog.

Hi Jenna!

Jun 2, 2009

the spiders from...lexington avenue

This looks a lot better if you click on it.