Nov 12, 2010

attempt #1

I love hearing people say ridiculous things as I'm passing them in some public place, things that just make no sense or sound absurd when they're taken out of context. Hence my idea to make a series of drawings called "Out of Context", where I would make a point to write down the silly quotes I end up hearing on a day to day basis, and then illustrate them in some way.

Here's the first one I did a few months ago. However, someone recently sparked the new idea to do sort of this same idea, but have the drawings not necessarily related to what is being said, whereas I had initially imagined all the drawings as conversations. Which they could still be, but perhaps it's, oh I dunno, chickens having the conversation. I want to take it in a less literal direction. Hopefully I will take it anywhere at all, instead of just dropping it like I tend to do with my "ideas".

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