Apr 28, 2009

bun bun.

Lately I really want a bunny. This is a picture of a bun-bun I drew - it's basically how I imagine my future bunny will look, and also what he/she will do. Although I can't decide whether I want a big fat bunny, with lots of stuff to squeeze, or a tiny little bun-bun, that fits in the palm of my hand. Or a gray or brown bun. But I do know that it will be eating carrots and smiling and hopping all day long. Absolutely none of this matters because I will not be getting a bunny. Not even if they do adoptions at the PetCo on 86th St. It's not like I checked. Whatever I don't even care.

Umm soo...this blog is going to be a purge zone for the vast load of lowbrow artsy crap I make. It will be even less relevant than my other blogs. No one will read it though, so it doesn't matter.

Good day to you.


  1. I like bun buns. I also like bum bums. I had a 2 bunnies when I was younger, sometimes they can smell when they pee on those wood chips.

  2. this is part of why i will not get a bun

  3. Bunnies are MAD HILARIOUS because of their teeth and shit. Remember that Bun at Chree's? You loved it.

  4. Also, who else chose GRIDS? I did! hahaha

  5. i haven't voted. this is strictly a poll for my many, many fans. i'll make a new poll when this one is done. polls!
