Apr 30, 2009


Freshman year in college, I painted a picture of Lauren that was so heinous looking, it became a joke and was therefore displayed on our wall every year after that. We would tell visitors that I had painted her 'portrait' (which I had - just failed miserably) and wait for their reaction. It looked like a bloated catfish, faulted only to my lack of skill of course, as Lauren does not resemble a catfish.

This was an an attempt from this past summer, and while significantly cuter, I'm not sure if it's any more "Lauren" than the famed catfish painting. Think it's creepy that I'll just make a portrait of someone without their knowledge? I probably have one of you.


  1. i'm having a good lol thinking of all of our room decorations...including the scrap material billowing ceiling decorations...so beautiful and classy...the designer ad collage...jesus the shepard paint by numbers

    i think you've really caputured my essence here though...I would call it "Lauren Got a Nose Job (and Hypothermia)"

  2. every year we had such a shittastically decorated room, it was almost a tradition
